As the title says, hi. I'm writing this and publishing it before the site goes live. At present, I'm still putting content on some of the pages and deciding what I'm going to do.
Basically, I've been writing poetry since 2001, writing music since 2009, playing music since 2012 and playing gigs since 2013.
In 2014, I started recording an EP called Impulse Purchase and this site is going to go live some time before its release, which I'm still sorting out at present. A lot of the promotional stuff has been decided and made but the sheer amount of work and thought that goes into a musical release really surprised me. This site alone is something I've been working on for at least 2 weeks and it's not exactly pushing the envelope.
I'm still in the process of clearing a sample for one of the songs and figuring out artwork; release dates haven't even been spoken about. I haven't even bought the domain yet (I hope the one I want is available).
Whatever happens, I'll talk about it in some more posts. This post, as the title says, is just me saying 'hi, welcome to the blog, the website and all this stuff I've created. I hope you'll enjoy your stay.'